Complimentary Manual

Nebraska Title Standards
In 2019, the NSBA Real Estate Practice Guidelines Committee completed a comprehensive review and update of the Nebraska Title Standards.
The update includes both new standards and updates to existing standards.

Chapter 1 - Abstracts and Title Insurance
Chapter 2 - Subdivisions and Zoning
Chapter 3 - Entities
Chapter 4 - Conveyances
Chapter 5 - Husband and Wife/Spousal Relationships
Chapter 6 - Judicial Proceedings
Chapter 7 - Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Liens and Encumbrances
Chapter 8 - Names
Chapter 9 - Decedents and Decedents' Estates
Chapter 10 - Statutes of Limitation, Repose and Curative Acts
Chapter 11 - Marketable Title
Chapter 12 - Bankruptcy
Chapter 13 - Affidavits, Acknowledgments, Recitals and Jurats
Chapter 14 - Trusts
Chapter 15 - Mineral Interests
Chapter 16 - Powers of Attorney
Chapter 17 - Transfer on Death Deeds
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